So I was keeping a running tally of links and pictures I’ve come across recently that have made me giggle, and my post was all ready to go up this morning…and then yesterday happened on the Internet.
“Where were you the day the internet was freed from ISP tyranny? Apparently, you were either watching two llamas on the lam or tweeting that a clearly black and blue dress was actually gold and white.”
First and foremost, let me address #TheDress. I posted my thoughts on Twitter this morning:
And that’s all I have to say about that.
…Except that llamas are actually hilarious.
And on to my little collection of funnies/interestings/awesomes that I’ve found recently on the Internet that don’t have anything to do with a dress or a llama
-19 Very Real And Emotional Struggles Of Having A Fitbit (Or Does Your Fitbit Have You?)
“If you walk without wearing your Fitbit, does it even count as walking?” This. All of this.
-How You Think NPR Reporters Look Vs. How They Actually Do
So good. It’s funny how different you imagine people to look based on their voice!
-The Benefits of a Lunch Hour Walk
I really need to get better about getting up and out of my office during the day. The benefits are endless…plus, see above Fitbit article
-Instagram memes from Monica at Run Eat Repeat
Monica’s Insta game is on point 100% of the time. I’m always finding myself screenshotting her ‘grams and sending them to my girlfriends. And anything Liz Lemon will always get my attention!
Because I woke up craving them this morning…and my amazing coworker showed up at the office with them. YES.
Hopefully coming up next week… an update from the first few weeks of my half marathon training (spoiler alert: it’s going great! After only running 11 miles the entire month of January, I should hit close to 60 miles in February with my 7 mile run tomorrow!)
Have a great weekend!
Have you come across any fun BuzzFeed articles this week?